Dec 2024: Congratulations to Cijun and coauthors on the acceptance of our new paper in JACS, titled "Advancing the Mechanosensitivity of Atropisomeric Diarylethene Mechanophores Through a Lever-Arm Effect." Special thanks to all our collaborators, especially for the SMFS studies by the Craig group (Duke).
Dec 2024: Welcome to our new Ph.D. students: Taqiyah Akhtar, Anik Dey, Hirusha Liyanage, Wihangi Pahuruthotage, and Michelle Wu.
Dec 2024: Xiaoran's Young Career Focus Interview with Synform is now available online Synfacts 2024; 20(12): A183-A198. Xiaoran thanks the editorial board for this opportunity.
Sep 2024: Welcome to Dr. Shakkeeb Thazhathethil. Shakkeeb obtained his Ph.D. from Hokkaido University (Japan) and conducted research at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and National Institute for Materials Science (JP) before joining Syracuse as a Postdoctoral Scholar.
June 2024: The Hu group is awarded our first external grant from the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund. We thank ACS PRF for their support of our research in configurational mechanophores.
May 2024: The Hu lab welcomes new and continuing undergraduate researchers this summer: Frank Zhu and Max Lancer (SOURCE Fellows); Luke Westbrook and Seth Brown (supported by SOURCE Faculty Grants); Liam Sweeney (REU, Duquesne University); and SU '24 graduate Michelle Wu, who will continue her research with us before starting her Ph.D. in our department. We gratefully acknowledge our funding sources.
Apr 2024: Our review article on ultrasound-responsive prodrugs is accepted by ACS Applied Bio Materials. Congratulations to Xuancheng!
Apr 2024: Welcome to our newest postdoctoral scholar Ramarani Sethy. Dr. Sethy obtained her Ph.D. in chemistry from the Nara Institute of Science and Technology in Japan.
Apr 2024: Congratulations to our undergraduate researchers Franklin Boyu Zhu and Max Lancer for winning the competitive SOURCE Fellowship!
Mar 2024: Xiaoran will present an invited talk at the 2024 ACS National Meeting (New Orleans) in the National Fresenius Award Symposium in honor of Maxwell J. Robb. Congrats to Max on winning this prestigious award!
Dec 2023: Xiaoran is grateful to receive the 2024 Thieme Chemistry Journal Award and thanks the editorial boards of SYNTHESIS, SYNLETT, and SYNFACTS for the nomination.
Nov 2023: Cijun Zhang and Dr. Xuancheng Fu's Synpacts article is accepted by Synlett. Congratulations!
July 2023: CHE 400/600 Polymer Chemistry and Polymeric Drug Delivery Systems will be offered again in fall 2023. Organic chemistry knowledge is required, but no prior knowledge of polymers or biochemistry is needed. Sign up now to explore polymer chemistry and its biomedical applications.
June 2023: Our first manuscript has been accepted by JACS. Congratulations to Xuancheng Fu (postdoc) and Boyu Frank Zhu (undergraduate)! We thank the reviewers and the editor for their valuable feedback that greatly improved our manuscript.
May 2023: The Hu Lab is selected to become an affiliate member of the Upstate Cancer Center Research Program (CCRP). We look forward to collaborative research opportunities at CCRP.
May 2023: 2nd-year Ph.D. student Cijun Zhang joined the Hu Group. Welcome!
Dec 2022: Welcome to our new first-year graduate students – MD. Ibrahim Khalilullah and Bowen Xu.
Nov 2022: Welcome to our new postdoc Xuancheng Fu. Dr. Fu received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Institute of Chemistry).
Oct 2022: Xiaoran presented an invited talk, "Regulating Reactivities Using Mechanical Force," at the "Future Smart Materials Systems" Symposium in the American Chemical Society Northeast Regional Meeting (Rochester, NY).
Oct 2022: Our application for the SOURCE Research Assistant Faculty Grant has been selected! We thank Syracuse University for supporting two undergraduate researchers in our lab. Undergraduates are welcome to contact Xiaoran about potential research opportunities in 2023 spring and summer.
Aug 2022: Xiaoran will teach CHE 400/600 Polymer Chemistry and Polymeric Drug Delivery Systems in fall 2022. This course is offered to graduate and undergraduate students and covers topics ranging from polymer synthesis to lipid nanoparticles and mRNA vaccines.
Aug 2022: The Xiaoran Hu Research Group starts at Syracuse University. Xiaoran is excited to join the faculty in the Department of Chemistry and the BioInspired Institute! Financial support from Syracuse University is gratefully acknowledged.